
My father long gone
‘Mother’ is a lovely forged notion
I have sampled bitter-sweet astronomical portions
As I bleed out in this art, I will capture immortality through absorption.

In practising self preservation,
There is alot I have said and done
Migration being my desired concoction
New realities set in and had themselves equivalent perspiration

Each long day, I lose more of my sight
Im seamlessly losing this fight
This dark tunnel I occupy reigns over light
But with a yearning might,
I think we’re gonna be alright.


Harps and Rings #RedArt Poetry

My mind takes onto tilting, just like Mercury

True happiness that I have ever obtained since birth.

As light engulfs my head in the shape of a halo,

An angel plays the strings to my heart like a harp

Soft tunes, ever so polite.

That very moment is everything; and that is what we live for

Rings of commitment  encircle my body like Saturn

We are the blueprints of magnetic forces attracting,

You being an angel and I know so well that I am a born sinner

The fragility is surely precious and thus we treasure it

Two creatures, one agenda and two rings

Connecting and building on wonder

Colliding and giving birth to our own universes

Pure love is undeniably the best wrapped gift.

-RedArt by Kelvin M. M